sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010


Three days ago, three children that may have been digging in a backyard of an old abandoned house found a treasure. The old brother of one of the kids was inside of the house when his little brother called him arguing that they have found a grave of an ancient king, but the adolescent in a quick move, took the treasure out  before the police arrived to the place.
However, the teenager did not noticed that he had lost his wallet while he was scaping from the old house so he left there all his personal documents. When he decided to return to the house, the police have already arrived and they noticed that the boy was carrying a big bag with something inside. The boy run away again and the police started to chase him but all its effort was in vain because even now the boy still hidden and nobody can find him.

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

"Geography Shapes Nature of War in Iraq"

To begin with, I think that in this times geography plays a big role in war as in the text said. Countries who declares war to another must strictly know about the others geography to prepare an effective invasion or a massive attack from land or sea. In the case of Irak, well, the desert plays in favor and against for both sides. The heat on that area must be extremely high, I mean, we are talking about desert and not mountains or valleys or ice lands. Though, geography is not the main reason why countries start a war. There are always another reasons such as religion, economical or cultural that persuades governemetns and armies. But, as everybody knows, war can take place in the city or in the country side or in the desert as the text confirm. So, it really does not mater where the war is happening because armies would be prepared for all the conditions and contexts nowadays.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Sacajawea 1787 - 1812

Well, first of all Sacajawea was the Shoshone Indian girl involved in the Lewis and Clark expedition around 1804 - 1806. When she was a teen she was kidnapped by the enemy tribe and sold to slavery but later on she was sold to Toussaint Charbonneau who would be her future husband. 

She helped to Lewis and Clark during the expedition as a travel guide and as a translator because she knew the language of the Shoshone tribe and the geography of that  side of the country. Thanks to her help the North American explorers could make the first expedition accross the United States from the east side to the Pacific coast.

In my opinion, Sakajawea was not a hero even if she was an important contributor to the Lewis and Clark cause. What she did maybe another Indian person could have done it, but she was the chosen one to do it, though.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Superhuman powers

Which power of a super hero I would like to have? Why?

Super strenght and the ability to fly, because being strong I can fight against everybody without fear and also I can use my ability to fly to attack by air or to scape if I want it. Besides flying I could travel around the world without paying and that would be ideal.

Which power of a super hero I really would not like to have? Why?

Inmortality, due to the fact that I do not want to see all my loved ones die before me. I mean that being inmortal I would suffer a lot so I prefer being just mortal.