jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

"Geography Shapes Nature of War in Iraq"

To begin with, I think that in this times geography plays a big role in war as in the text said. Countries who declares war to another must strictly know about the others geography to prepare an effective invasion or a massive attack from land or sea. In the case of Irak, well, the desert plays in favor and against for both sides. The heat on that area must be extremely high, I mean, we are talking about desert and not mountains or valleys or ice lands. Though, geography is not the main reason why countries start a war. There are always another reasons such as religion, economical or cultural that persuades governemetns and armies. But, as everybody knows, war can take place in the city or in the country side or in the desert as the text confirm. So, it really does not mater where the war is happening because armies would be prepared for all the conditions and contexts nowadays.

2 comentarios:

  1. You are quite right when you say that armies would be prepared for any condition and context. Unfortunately, that ability is misunderstood and they believe that they've got the power to do whatever they like. Just have a look at the pictures of prisoners and US military contingent!
